Home Research Curriculum Vitae ERC Starting Grant Resources

Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization

In this page I summarize the scientific output and dissemination activity for my ERC Starting Grant, no. 852526, on "Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization" (POPULIZATION). This grant will be active until July 2025.


Since the Great Recession of 2008, populist parties have scored major electoral successes around Europe. Nonetheless, the populist map of Europe has mixed colors: in some countries, voters rally behind right-wing parties promising closed borders while, in others, resentment towards rising inequality has fuelled left-wing movements; some other countries have been less susceptible to populist rhetoric. Why are populist parties more successful in some places (or times) compared to others? What makes right or left populism more prominent in some countries (or after certain crises)? This project tackles these questions with the tools of behavioral political economy, a blossoming field at the intersection of behavioral economics and political economy, which applies insights from cognitive psychology and methodologies from microeconomics to understand political behavior. I will address two fundamental issues that can shed light on the puzzling pattern of support for populism: the heterogeneity and time (in)stability of preferences and cognitive abilities; and the role of limited attention in shaping preferences and information processing. The combined output of these projects will greatly improve our understanding of European citizens' political preferences and how they affect economic and political outcomes.

Published Papers

  • A Model of Focusing in Political Choice, with Jan Zapal, Journal of Politics, Forthcoming, Abstract

  • Positive Spillovers from Negative Campaigning, with Vincenzo Galasso and Tommaso Nannicini, American Journal of Political Science, 2023, 67(1): 5–21, Online Appendix, Replication Data, Media: La Nación, Abstract

  • Declared Support and Clientelism, with Simeon Nichter, Comparative Political Studies, 2022, 55(13): 2178–2216, Supplementary Information, Replication Data, Abstract

  • Dynamic Legislative Bargaining with Veto Power: Theory and Experiments, Games and Economic Behavior, 2021, 126: 186–230, Abstract

Working Papers and Work in Progress

  • Meta-Analysis of Distributional Preferences Estimates, with Massimiliano Pozzi, Abstract
    Revise and Resubmit at Economic Journal

  • Audi Alteram Partem: An Experiment on Selective Exposure to Information, with Giovanni Montanari, Abstract
    Revise and Resubmit at Journal of the Economic Science Association

  • Cognitive Abilities and the Demand for Bad Policy, with Eugenio Proto and Aldo Rustichini, Abstract, Pre-Registration

  • Reciprocity and Democratic Accountability, with Benjamin Blumenthal, Abstract

Dissemination Activities

Seminars (Presentation of ERC Projects)

  • 2023-24: Central European University, NYU, Columbia
  • 2022-23: Sciences Po, Berlin School of Economics
  • 2021-22: Texas A&M, Nazarbayev, Carlos III, LMU, Zurich
  • 2020-21: MiddExLab Virtual Seminar, Insubria, Indiana, Glasgow, Princeton, FSU, UNSW

Conferences and Workshops (Presentation of ERC Projects)

  • 2023-24: LSE Behavioural Political Economy Conference, POLECONUK
  • 2022-23: LSE Behavioural Political Economy Conference, CESifo Area Conference on Behavioral Economics, ESA European Meeting
  • 2021-22: CRENoS Workshop, Barcelona School of Economics Summer Forum, Arne Ryde Workshop on Attention in Decision Making
  • 2020-21: Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics, ETH Workshop on Democracy, ESA Global Meeting

Past and Current Post-Doctoral Researchers